
Ruben Bousbib

I’m a 27 year-old AI Research Engineer currently working at AssemblyAI on large-scale speech and language processing. I graduated in Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning from the MVA (Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage) master’s degree at the École Normale Supérieure, Paris-Saclay University. I also have a MSc in Computer Science from CentraleSupélec.

I previously worked at Facebook AI Research (FAIR) Paris as a research intern and I'm interested in many different Deep Learning topics such as speech processing, NLP, graph theory, computer vision and all the theoretical and practical applications that follow.

I’m also interested in the intersection of cognitive sciences and machine learning and especially how we can build efficient brain-inspired models to perform as well or better than humans on difficult tasks. In this regard, I’ve worked at the École Normale Supérieure as a research intern in the CoML team (Cognitive Machine Learning) under the supervision of Emmanuel Dupoux.

My email is ruben.bousbib@gmail.com


An open-source voice type classifier for child-centered daylong recordings
M. Lavechin, R. Bousbib, H. Bredin, E. Dupoux, A. Cristia
End-to-end Domain-Adversarial Voice Activity Detection
M. Lavechin, M-P. Gill, R. Bousbib, H. Bredin, L.P. Garcia-Perera